Step 7 - Graduation (2025)

Students who successfully complete all five training steps and eight related Study Hall Quizzes will graduate with an official ISNHCP Diploma (Note: Crossover students from the 2022 training program must fulfill the requirements by arrangement with the Director of Field Training). Graduates are granted the status of “ISNHCP Practitioner” and are listed publicly on the ISNHCP Practitioner Locator List. Listing on this website is a privilege that honors our model -- the wild, free-roaming horse of the U.S. Great Basin. Good standing in accordance with the ISNHCP Oath of Allegiance is a requirement to be listed. The Oath is included with the Application to the ISNHCP Training Program.
AANHCP Annual Dues
All ISNHCP Practitioners posted on the AANHCP website are required to pay annual dues during the month of January. Dues are paid here.
Posting on AANHCP Practitioner Locator LIst
After paying your dues (if not current), email your contact information to the ISNHCP Director of Field Training. Include the following information in this format:
Your name
ISNHCP Practitioner
State or Province, Country
City or region/s you will serve
Phone number the public can reach you at
Email address
Website (optional but recommended)
Once we have your correct contact information, you will be posted on the AANHCP website. To protect personal privacy, we do not recommend posting residential addresses.
Graduates will be emailed an official ISNHCP Diploma.
Include your complete name you wish to have included on your diploma. Also, email us a photograph of you working with a horse so that we can promote you on social media.