Step 1 - Independent Study (2025)

Having registered and paid your tuition, you are now ready to start your training in Step 1: Independent Study. 

Follow the instructions below to initiate Step 1:

Contact your Step 2 Instructor

The ISNHCP requires that students contact their Step 2/3 Instructor after paying their tuition and registration fee. The purpose of this is to let your Instructor know you will be registering and training with them in the future after you have completed Step 1 (Independent Study). If you are undecided between two or more Instructors, then contact them all to say as much and that you will be making a decision soon. This will open an important dialogue between the two of you in preparation for attending their clinic. They need to know as far in advance as possible who will be training with them so they can prepare for your participation.

Our Instructors can be found in the drop down menu "Locate An ISNHCP Instructor" on the ISNHCP Home Page

Order your text books

Students must order their own text books. To receive the most current editions, which are required for the Study Hall reading assignments, order your books from the ISNHCP Student Store. Go here to order. 

Student Training Syllabus

In addition to the required text books is the Student Training Syllabus. This is your personal guide that takes you through every step of the training program. It is not available for sale to the public, it is only available to students enrolled in this training program. Purchase your copy here to launch Step 1 of the training program.

Tools & Equipment

You must purchase all the required tools and equipment before moving forward to Step 2. Follow this link to the Student Store to see what you will need.

Step 1 Study Halls and Quizzes

The Study Halls are a recent innovation of the ISNHCP training program. Their purpose is to give you a foundation in the academics of natural hoof care. There are two parts to each Study Hall:  
  1. Targeted reading assignments from our required text books and related materials.
  2. Study Hall quizzes to test your comprehension of the reading assignments. All Study Hall quizzes are multiple choice.

There are five Study Halls to complete before moving to Step 2. There are three additional Study Halls associated with Steps 4 and 5. Refer to your Student Training Syllabus for your reading assignments and quiz instructions.

Study Hall Quiz Registration

When you are ready to take a Study Hall Quiz according to your Student Training Syllabus quiz instructions, follow this link to register to take your first quiz.